Lebanese Consulate Gets Admonishing Answer From Adjustercom. Munir Uwaydah's Corruption Must Be Confronted With Iron Hand By Lonce LaMon - February 8, 2012
The very fact that the Consulate General of Lebanon, Los Angeles, wrote that if I didn’t sign the signature papers attached to Munir Uwaydah’s “subpoena/summons” and return them by mail I would still be officially served because my agent accepted the Certified mail package, reeks of corruption.
This is precisely how fascists behave. They give you a “damned if you do and damned if you don’t” condition of life. All court cases they control have outcomes that are predetermined. They manipulate the outcomes that they’ve already predetermined, and then through their pretenses give the outcomes a “look” of legitimacy.
Here it’s very clear that the Consulate General of Lebanon, Los Angeles, has been corrupted by Uwaydah. If you didn’t read last night’s article with their letter to me included, go back and read it before continuing on here reading my answer.
Here, below, is my letter of answer to the Consulate General of Lebanon, Los Angeles:
Stay tuned... and read immediately as these articles in this version of this series will only be published for five days.